History of AKI

The Art Knife Invitational was born of a passion and appreciation for the art and skill of the world’s top knifemakers who create and extend the leading edge of their craft. Our Founder, Phil Lobred had that passion and brought Art Knife Invitational to life. In 1983 with the personal encouragement of master knifemakers Gil Hibben, Herman Schneider and Ted Dowell and his wife Betty, Phil launched the first Art Knife Invitational with a show in Reno, Nevada. That first Art Knife Invitational was a showcase for cutting edge knifemakers of the time and included Fred Carter, Ted Dowell, Jim Ence, H.H. Frank, Royal Hansen, Jim Hardenbrook, Larry Hendricks, Gil Hibben, Billy Mae Imel, Kermal – Don Fogg & Murad Sayen, Ron Lake, Robert Lum, William Moran Jr., James Schmidt, H.J. Schneider, Dwight Towell and Buster Warenski.
Thirty-eight years later, the Art Knife Invitational continues to represent the world’s most collectible knifemakers. This prestigious event is unlike any other knife show in the world and it reflects the passion and pursuit of excellence held by the key knifemakers and those who appreciate and collect their work. It is obvious when you read the old descriptions of The Art Knife Invitational that the American art knife scene, even the term itself, was in its infancy. The term “Art Knife” was discussed and selected as the most descriptive. That is why it was put in quotation marks. There was really nothing else to call these fabulous new knife creations at that time. The term fit and it stuck. Two shows were produced, one in 1983 and one in 1984. Both were held at the MGM Grand Hotel, Reno.
While the shows in the eighties were very successful as measured by sales, they were very hard to produce and very expensive for the makers to fund and support. To make matters worse, the scarce attendance caused morale to ebb so Phil and the members decided to not produce another AKI show until the art knife market had gained more credibility in the U.S. It took another nine years until several makers got together with Phil in 1992 to begin a push for a third AKI show which came about in October of 1993. The show focused on makers whose work had proven collectible over the years and encouraged an emphasis on art knives over utility knives, while allowing for the fact that art is in the eye of the beholder.
The nineties’ version of the Art Knife Invitational began with a few changes. It was decided that the show would be held every two years and that new makers would be selected by a majority vote of the members, making this show very unique. The only change in the structure of sales was the addition of the “open bid” knife. “Each maker has the option to place one knife on open bid with no reserve”.
The new nineties’ show began with Buster Warenski’s King Tut Dagger on the catalog cover. Now that’s an“Art Knife”!! Every AKI show since 1983 has been very successful and they all have contributed to the establishment of the “art knife” as a recognized, unique collectable. As the AKI show moved into the new millennium it was limited only by imagination as to the wonderful knives left to create.
In the summer of 2020 Barry Lee Hands became the new Administrator. While working closely with the AKI membership, Barry instituted a number of innovative changes to the AKI while retaining the longstanding tradition of present AKI members voting in new members, and moving the Art Knife Invitational show to it’s new location at the excellent M resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Since these changes took place the AKI membership has elected several new members and Barry has invited some new guest makers insuring that this will be one of the most exciting and remarkable Art Knife Invitational shows in many years
The members of the AKI are looking forward to providing you once again, with the finest Art Knife show on earth at an exciting new luxury location linked by air to the world and by road to Los Angeles and surrounding environs, and we sincerely hope to see you in Las Vegas on October 29, 2022.
Barry Lee Hands
AKI Administrator