I have all the time tried to make contemporary pieces, contemporary knives.
Today archaeologists are able to determine the age of a 2500-year-old Egyptian dagger with a precision of a time frame of about 50 years just by studying the style, the shape, the design.
I always wanted to make knives where people in let’s say 100 years of time, will still be able to say: “this piece was made in the beginning of 21st. Century”
The art school where I had studied art, the “Burg Giebichenstein”, was locally and also in spirit pretty close to the “Bauhaus”. some of the teachers taught on both schools. So I was trained with the ideas of “Simplification and reduction to the essentials” and the premises: “From follows function”.
If you look onto my knives and when you think about it you will find that it still makes sense.