Wolfgang Loerchner

Bayfield, Ontario, Canada

Member: 1993-2019

        In 1982 I made my first knife after seeing a knife in a hunting and fishing magazine. Over the years knifemaking has become the artistic form of expression I am most passionate about.

        Lines are very intriguing, one of my greatest joys is the challenge of working with lines and using them in very intricate and pleasing ways. Each of my knives is thoroughly thought out before I commence the actual construction of the knife. 

I do not see myself as an artist but as a designer. My ideas are derived from nature, art books, lines on everyday items, any lines that sticks in my head.

        I use no power tools, which means that all of these fantastic swirls and curves are done completely by hand with a large assortment of file and ultra-fine sandpaper.

        To me, the best knives are sculptures in steel that one takes pleasure in holding and only reluctantly puts back down. Most of my work is “one of a kind”.